Inpatient Offerings
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UCLA Health Center for East-West Medicine (CEWM): Inpatient
The East-West Inpatient consult service aims to relieve pain, nausea, anxiety, and other common inpatient conditions within the hospital setting by blending Traditional Chinese Medicine, internal medicine and integrative medicine using a variety of nonpharmacologic techniques, including acupuncture; trigger point injections; mindfulness; and lifestyle medicine. CEWM is available for inpatient physician consultations at UCLA Medical Center, Santa Monica.
UCLA Health People-Animal Connection (PAC)

The UCLA Health People-Animal Connection (PAC) program is UCLA’s animal-assisted therapy program. Volunteer teams, comprising a dog and its human handler, offer companionship and warmth to critically ill children and adults. PAC teams enhance physical and emotional healing by providing a positive bonding opportunity between canines and patients of all ages, cultures, and socioeconomic levels. PAC teams meet UCLA’s strict eligibility criteria and successfully complete a nationally standardized behavioral exam, along with extensive training before engaging in bedside visits. Since its inception in 1994, PAC teams have recorded more than 250,000 inpatient visits, as well as hundreds of thousands of unrecorded visits to families and guests at UCLA medical centers and community events.

UCLA Health Chase Child Life Integrative Therapies
UCLA Health Chase Child Life Integrative Approaches seeks to empower pediatric patients to become part of their hospital experience through therapeutic and developmentally appropriate play opportunities, guided medical play, psychosocial preparation and teaching, guided imagery, and the development of transferable coping skills.

UCLA Health Inpatient Integrative Therapy Program
UCLA Health offers a unique Eastern healing program designed to enhance patient care. The UCLA Health Inpatient Integrative therapists offer the following gentle healing modalities to address the primary symptoms of pain, anxiety, nausea, insomnia, constipation, and exhaustion:
- Yoga: Breath awareness, in-bed movement, guided meditation, and restorative poses
- Reiki: A Japanese vibrational energy therapy facilitated by light touch, on or slightly off the body, that balances the human biofield—the field of energy and information that surrounds and permeates the human body
- Essential Oils: Volatile liquids distilled from plant materials used to rejuvenate the mind and body
- Contemplative Care: Cultivation of mindful awareness, emotional balance, equanimity, and compassion around issues of illness

Hospitalized UCLA patients can receive massage while in their hospital bed to promote relaxation and a sense of well-being. Patients’ family members can purchase a 20-minute chair massage for themselves to also receive the relaxing benefits of massage.
UCLA Health Integrative Medicine in Palliative Care
The UCLA Palliative Care team sees patients who are seriously, and sometimes irreversibly, ill. Relieving suffering is a large part of our care, and we seek every resource available to us to achieve that very goal. We offer our patients and their families many diverse and unique Integrative Medicine modalities, bringing comfort, relief of suffering and, often, joy. Some of these tools include: essential oils; Reiki; mindfulness; meditation; animal-assisted therapy; music therapy; and No One Dies Alone.
Music Therapy facilitates nonpharmacological symptom management, developmental support, and psychosocial and emotional support. Clinical Music Therapy goals focus on rehabilitation and/or comfort support through individualized and evidenced-based music interventions used within the therapeutic relationship. Music Therapy provides family-centered care and aims to empower participants and improve the quality of life of individuals across the entire lifespan by nurturing their cognitive, emotional, psychological, physical, physiological, neurological and spiritual well-being. Interventions might include songwriting, lyric analysis, guided music meditation, music improvisation, therapeutic music lessons, co-treatment with the rehab team involving evidenced-based musical cues, creative arts, journaling exercises to music, recording/producing, legacy projects, and creating music and daily living plans.

UCLA Health Inpatient Wellness Bundle
The UCLA Health Inpatient Wellness Bundle promotes healing in the acute care setting by optimizing patient health through evidenced-based methods rooted in five domains: comfort, nutrition, mobility, dental and general hygiene, and rest and recovery. Addressing these domains will enhance pain management, reduce malnutrition caused by treatments, reduce debilitation from bedrest and inactivity, improve hygiene, and create a quiet environment to promote uninterrupted sleep and reduce delirium. The bundle allows for patients to be in the best possible condition to be actively engaged in getting well and going home.

UCLA Health Heart Touch Project
The purpose of the Heart Touch Project is to provide compassionate touch services to children hospitalized at UCLA who meet appropriate medical criteria and who desire this treatment. Studies show that regular, compassionate touch services for hospitalized infants, children, adolescents, and young adults can provide numerous benefits to the patient and may improve the family’s satisfaction with the inpatient care experience.
UCLA Health Greet the Day Program
Greet the Day therapists provide comfort-oriented hand and foot massages to patients while they are receiving treatment at the UCLA Bowyer Oncology Infusion Center. Participants in a recent study at an academic outpatient, comprehensive cancer center reported a statistically significant reduction in pain, fatigue, nausea, and anxiety after receiving therapeutic massage.
UCLA Health Physician & Faculty Wellness Program
The UCLA Health Physician and Faculty Health Program provides support for the health and wellness of medical staff, fellows, and residents. We provide a variety of services to promote physician health and wellness such as individual support, educational lectures and workshops on topics related to physician burnout, health, wellness, and resources. We also provide group emotional support such as trauma and grief processing sessions. Email: [email protected]
Intranet website for physicians: Connect with Physician Health
UCLA Health No One Dies Alone (NODA) Program
The No One Dies Alone (NODA) program began through a collaboration with nursing, spiritual care, and volunteer services, and research of the original materials created by Sacred Heart in Oregon. We modified our program to serve all faiths or non-religious individuals.
UCLA Health created the NODA program to support end-of-life patients by providing a volunteer at the bedside of an actively dying patient, and evolved to include NODA respite service for patients with family members that cannot be at the bedside.
Website: Learn more about our volunteers
UCLA Health Expressive Arts Volunteer Program
The UCLA Health Expressive Arts Program, administered through UCLA Health Volunteer Services, includes art and music at the bedside. Volunteers deliver art kits and supplies to patients at the bedside for their relaxation and enjoyment. Activities include mandala coloring, origami making, and journaling. Volunteers also assist patients, engage in conversation, or foster creativity to enhance the artistic process.
Music at the bedside provides relaxing music from volunteer musicians. Types of music offered include guitar, cello, keyboard, and harp. In addition to playing music in the patient's room, volunteers also play in hospital waiting areas and the main hospital lobby.
UCLA Health Workforce Wellness
Wellness is personal and the Workforce Wellness program at UCLA Health aims to meet our staff right where they are at by encouraging them to choose and prioritize their wellness every day. Being part of an academic medical center supports our efforts to make the healthy choice the easy choice, allowing us to provide and promote a variety of resources and education designed to meet the unique and evolving needs of our staff and their families. The Wellness program drives a culture of health and well-being at our organization that is inclusive of both physical and mental health, geared toward lowering stress and improving engagement and productivity by continually offering opportunities to acquire and practice new health and wellness information and skills.
Email: [email protected]
UCLA Health Inpatient In-Room Access to Relaxation Options
- Spa Channel
- San Diego Zoo Channel
- Mindfulness Apps on iPads at the Bedside.
UCLA Health also offers yoga and tai chi.