Free Drop-in Meditations

Free Weekly Virtual Drop-In Meditation Schedule

Join UCLA Mindful teachers in Weekly Virtual Meditation Drop-In Sessions. These 30-minute sessions will offer an online community of meditation support and teachings. No need to register, come as you are. Open to anyone interested in learning how to 'live more presently' in life.

Mindful awareness is the moment-by-moment process of actively and openly observing one's physical, mental and emotional experiences. Mindfulness has scientific support as a means to reduce stress, improve attention, boost the immune system, reduce emotional reactivity, and promote a general sense of health and well-being.

You can access guided meditations at any time on the free app "UCLA Mindful". 

We are proud to offer free drop-in meditations every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday


Mindful Monday (Virtual)

Computer screen showing Marvin G. Belzer

This drop-in is facilitated by Marvin G. Belzer as well as other UCLA Mindful teachers. 

When: Mondays, 12:30-1pm PST

Location: These meditations will be held weekly via Zoom video conferencing. Please join us from home!


Morning Mindfulness

image of laptop and coffee on table

Start your day with us every Tuesday and Wednesday from 9- 9:30 am, PT for our new Morning Mindfulness series.  Led by  our very own UCLA-trained mindfulness facilitators, these sessions offer a chance to cultivate equanimity while reducing anxiety, boosting mood, lowering emotional reactivity, and improving focus and attention. Whether you're new to meditation or an experienced practitioner, these sessions are open to all. 

When: Tuesdays and Wednesdays,  9- 9:30 am, PT

Location: These meditations will be held via Zoom video conferencing. Please join us from home


Hammer Museum Meditation Catch-Up (Virtual)

Computer screen showing Allyson Pimentel and Diana Winston

For our virtual meditation participants, join us for a chance to meditate, catch up, ask questions and reconnect with Diana Winston or Allyson Pimentel. We will meet the first Tuesday of each month from 12:30-1pm. 

When: First Tuesdays Monthly, 12:30-1pm PST

  • March 4 - Allyson
  • April 1 - Diana 
  • May 6 - Allyson
  • June 3 - Diana 

Join us Live-Online via Zoom

Meeting ID: 958 0173 3523
Passcode: 123456


Thursday Hammer Museum Meditation (Hybrid)

Hammer Museum Building

When: Thursdays, 12:30-1pm PST

Location: Hammer Museum 
Billy Wilder Theater, 10899 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles

Admission to the Hammer Museum and all public programs are FREE

Enjoy Mindful Awareness Meditation in person in the Billy Wilder Theater or broadcast live on the Hammer's website.

Whether you participate in person or online, Mindful Awareness Meditation will continue every Thursday at 12:30 PM.

Meet the Drop-in Facilitators:

diana winston

Diana Winston

Director of Mindfulness Education

Diana Winston is the Director of Mindfulness Education at MARC, the author of The Little Book of Being: Practices and Guidance for Uncovering your Natural Awareness, and the co-author, with Susan Smalley PhD, of Fully Present, the Science, Art and Practice of MindfulnessShe has taught mindfulness for health and well-being since 1993 in a variety of settings including the medical and mental health field, and in universities, businesses, non-profits, and schools.

allyson pimintel

Allyson Pimintel, EdD

Clinical Psychology

Allyson Pimentel, EdD (she/her), is a psychologist, practitioner & teacher in the Insight meditation tradition who works at the intersection of mindfulness and mental health. Dr. Pimentel has been teaching mindfulness in university, medical, secular and spiritual settings for over twenty years.  Formerly, the Associate Director of UCLA Campus & Student Resilience and the Program Director of Mindful UCLA, she is currently the Director of Mindful USC and UCLA Mindful instructor.

marvin belzer

Marvin G. Belzer, Ph.D

Adjunct Associate Professor

Marvin G. Belzer, PhD, has taught mindfulness meditation for twenty years. He is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the UCLA Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences. For many years he taught a semester-long meditation course in the Department of Philosophy at Bowling Green St. University, where he was an Associate Professor of Philosophy. He teaches an undergraduate course at UCLA and teaches mindfulness in many different venues in Los Angeles.