Biostatistics, Analytical Support & Evaluation


Biostatistics, Analytical Support & Evaluation (BASE) serves as the biostatistical and biomathematical shared resource for investigators in areas of basic science, translational and clinical research design, and data analysis, modeling and management.


Mailing Address

650 Charles E. Young Drive
CHS 26-070
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1772

Telephone: 310-206-1290
Email: [email protected]

Service Request

Requests to BASE for consulting services for cancer center investigators are initiated by email to [email protected] with a completed BASE Unit Consultation Request Form.

Virtual Drop-in Consulting

Virtual drop-in consultations held on Fridays from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. Please register using the Zoom link below at least 24 hours in advance.

Register Now 

Primary Services

The mission of the Biostatistics, Analytical Support & Evaluation (BASE) Shared Resource is to provide comprehensive and high-quality biostatistics support to cancer-related research at the UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center in the areas of basic and translational research, clinical trials and population studies. BASE Shared Resource services to Cancer Center members include statistical support for grant application, data analysis, interpretation of study results, and manuscript preparation. The BASE Shared Resource also supports two critical Cancer Center committees: Protocol Review & Monitoring Committee (PRMC) by providing statistical review of clinical trials protocols, and the Data & Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) by providing statistical support for the implementation, conduct and monitoring of oncology trials. In addition, the BASE Shared Resource collaborates closely with several campus informatics facilities to support data management for cancer studies. BASE faculty members also develop novel statistical methodology in response to the needs of Cancer Center research projects to facilitate studies.

Guidance in grant preparation

BASE faculty assist individual Cancer Center investigators in grant preparation. We provide general guidance in terms of study design (experimental design, measurement, etc), sample size calculations and development of statistical analysis sections. In addition to assistance with grant preparation, BASE faculty are generally available to serve as co-investigators on grant applications and provide long term collaboration for funded projects.

Long-term study collaboration

Collaboration on projects from inception (typically at the grant preparation stage) through final manuscript submissions. For this we can provide assistance with the grant preparation, study planning, data management oversight data analytic support and collaboration on manuscript preparation. Typically for long-term collaborations BASE faculty and staff will be involved on the grant application (or can be added to funded projects) with percent effort funding appropriate to their project responsibilities.

Short-term consulting

Provide a stable resource of productive biostatistical and biomathematical faculty and staff capable of short-term consulting with Cancer Center members. Short-term consultation including data analysis and manuscript preparation are provided via recharge.

Other BASE Unit Functions

  • Provide critical expertise to protocol review and approval functions of the Internal Scientific Peer Review Committee (ISPRC), Data Safety and Monitoring Board (DSMB), the Internal Quality Assurance Committee and the Seed Grant Review Committee
  • Develop graduate student participation in cancer-related studies supervised by BASE and provide training to fellows and faculty in the design and conduct of research
  • Assist Cancer Center and other specialized centers in their research and reporting functions
  • Provide statistics short courses and seminars to interested groups within the Cancer Center

Access Priorities

Biostatistical support is available to all Cancer Center members and their laboratories. Peer-reviewed funded research projects of Cancer Center investigators represent the highest priority.

Recharge Rates

An estimate of project costs will be provided after the initial consultation meeting. Cancer Center members will receive five (5) percent discounted rate.

Selected Projects Supported by BASE

PITrial nameWebsite link
Antoni RibasGenetic Re-programming of Stem Cells to Fight Cancer
Linda LiauUCLA SPORE in Brain Cancer
Robert ReiterUCLA SPORE in Prostate CancerGo to Website
Avrum Spira, Denise Aberle, Steven Dubinett, David Elashoff, Marc LenburgThe Boston University- UCLA Lung Cancer Biomarker Development Laboratory
Jonathan GoldmanA Phase 1b/2 Randomized, Open-Label Study of Niraparib Monotherapy or Niraparib Plus Temozolomide Versus Best Supportive Care as Maintenance Therapy in Patients with Extensive-Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer that had a Complete or Partial Response to Platinum-Based First-Line Chemotherapy (TRIO-US L-06) 
Tim Cloughesy, Robert PrinsFDG PET response clinical trial 
Roshan BastaniComparative Effectiveness of System Interventions to Increase HPV Vaccine Receipt in Federally Qualified Health Centers 
Patricia GanzA Phase III Randomized Trial Targeting Behavioral Symptoms in Younger Breast Cancer Survivors 

Selected Papers

Comparison of glioma-associated antigen peptide-loaded versus autologous tumor lysate-loaded dendritic cell vaccination in malignant glioma patients.

Efficacy of systemic adoptive transfer immunotherapy targeting NY-ESO-1 for glioblastoma

Neoadjuvant anti-PD-1 immunotherapy promotes a survival benefit with intratumoral and systemic immune responses in recurrent glioblastoma.

Targeted next-generation sequencing of 565 neuro-oncology patients at UCLA: A single institution experience.

Immunosuppressive tumor-infiltrating myeloid cells mediate adaptive immune resistance via a PD-1/PD-L1 mechanism in glioblastoma.

Ongoing Clinical Trials

A Surgical “Window-of-Opportunity” and Phase II Trial of Pembrolizumab, Olaparib and Temozolomide in Recurrent Glioblastoma.

Phase I surgical trial to evaluate early immunologic pharmacodynamic parameters for the PD-1 antibody pembrolizumab with autologous tumor lysatepulsed dendritic cell vaccination in patients with surgically accessible recurrent/progressive glioblastoma.