Coronary Care Intensive Care Unit (7 North CCU)
Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center
757 Westwood Plaza, 7th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Main Phone: 310-267-7765
Fax: 310-267-3510
About Our Unit

Welcome to the CCU. Our 12-bed intensive care unit provides complex cardiac care to patients with multiple cardiac complications; i.e. myocardial infarctions, congestive heart failure, congenital heart defects, cardiomyopathies, dysrhythmias, patients waiting for heart transplants, post-heart transplant patients in acute rejection and many other specialized cardiac monitoring and procedures.
We are committed to providing a safe, compassionate and healing environment
Download and print our brochure
Visitation Guidelines
- Change of shift occurs from 7 am to 8 am and 7 pm to 8 pm During this time, a full shift report is given, and a physical assessment is performed. We encourage family members to step out of the room at this time to allow the staff to complete these important activities.
- Family members may be asked to leave the bedside during procedures, tests or patient care activities. Please wait in the Visitor's Lounge.
- Please designate one person to act as a spokesperson for the family and to set up meetings with the nurses and physicians to share your concerns and questions.
- Leave a phone number where the staff can contact you when you are not here.
- Please wash your hands before and after visiting and observe all isolation signs.
- We encourage you to avoid sleeping overnight in a patient's room. Talk to the nurse if sleeping arrangements are needed. Only one family member can spend the night with the patient.
- The Visitor's Lounge is a shared lounge for all family members of the 7N CCU and the Cardiac Observation Unit (COU).
- Please limit consumption of food and drinks to designated public eating areas, and do not bring real flowers or plants into the patient's room.
- If your family member is unable to communicate, please share with the staff what you believe to be his or her needs and wishes. We also offer multilingual interpreting services to patients and families who are not fluent in English.
- Take care of yourself. Your family member is relying on your strength and support.
Quick Reference Guide
Unit Nursing Director
Anthony Chan, RN, BSN
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Wendy Tsau, RN, MSN, CCRN
Lead Nurse on Duty
Case Manager
Pamela Spikes