Stool Screening Test (FIT Kit)
Printable instructions on how to complete the fecal immunochemical test (FIT) for colon cancer screening
If you received your fecal immunochemical test (FIT) kit from UCLA Health, you likely received the Polymedco OC-Auto FIT kit pictured here.
Regardless of the specific brand of FIT kit you received, the steps required to complete the test are similar. Below are general FIT kit instructions modeled after the Polymedco OC-Auto FIT kit test. Please read all FIT kit packet inserts and defer to your FIT kit for specific instructions. Test results may be invalid if the test is not completed properly.
Most FIT kits include the following: outer envelope, sampling bottle, collection paper, question and answer brochure, return mailer envelope, biohazard bag, absorbant pad.
Please return the completed kit by mail or in person to your clinic within 48 hours of collecting your sample. The stool sample is perishable.